I discovered this today and its very useful, so I decided to share it with everybody.
Till now I was able to insert an image in whatever region of a Google Spreadsheet by going to “Insert” > “Image“. But this wasn’t fixing the image to the cell you wanted to place the image to.
As explained on this Google Drive help link, you can enter a URL of an image directly into a cell like this: (more…)
Its an application that enables an online virtual drive on your computer that works the same way an external hard drive connected to your computer would but with steroids. It adds all the benefits of having all the information you put on this drive securely backed up online and available to access it from any device you have (PC, MAC, Tablet, Smartphone) no matter in which part of the world you are. You can choose to move, copy or mirror folders you have on your computer to the BitCasa drive and if you choose to move them, those files wont take space on your computer.
BitCasa explained by Tony Gauda, CEO and Co-founder
How much storage space BitCasa offers?
When I heard for the first time Tony Gauda´s statement “We are killing the hard drive” it immediately got my attention. (more…)
I am starting to use Google Drive and I´ve been using Picasa for a while now. Some days ago Google announced that they were going to start considering Google Drive and Picasa space as one storage unit. I believe this will make things easier for the end user, but something crucial is missing.
I needed to back up my pictures and videos, they are around 80GB of more than 10 years of scanned, and digital pictures I´ve been taking since I had my first digital Epson PhotoPC 650 camera (1 Mega pixel yeah!). As you can imagine I have to get some order to the “My Pictures” folder but until I have time to do so, I really need to have a backup of everything outside my house, you know, just in case… (more…)
I decided to backup all my pictures and videos (80 GB) to Google Drive. For USD 5 a month I get 100 GB of storage, which is half the price of Dropbox. Anyways I love Dropbox and use it for files.
The problem I encountered for what I wanted to accomplish is that there is no option in preferences to move the Google Drive folder to another physical drive. My C drive is an SSD and I dont have enough space for storage there, thats why I needed to change it to a one of the 2 TB drives I have… (more…)