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My first 2 not so happy years with a Retina MacBook Pro

My first 2 not so happy years with a Retina MacBook Pro

I consider myself a relatively new Apple Mac OS X user. I am a technology freak, I love everything around it and I am the point of reference of most of my family and friends when it comes to computers and tech stuff. I write about technology, love to do research and work in IT Service Management in a big company.

At work, I use a Windows 7 computer and at home I use a Retina MacBook Pro Late 2013 15″ notebook. I had to have the experience that everybody was talking about: “Mac is great”, “I love my Mac”, “Everything is so stable”. So when I decided to buy it, I went for the best model available. The extra graphics card, the 16 GB of RAM, the 512 SSD, everything, spending a wooping almost USD 3.000. It was a lot of money and it still is.
Since then, I am trying to feel happy with my investment and with the new experience of “The Mac” and to be honest I still can’t find any joy besides looking at the thing.

I guess working at the office with a Windows computer and arriving home trying to use the Mac, doesn’t help either. I did install BootCamp and Parallels with a virtual machine running Windows, but I forced myself to use OS X since around November 2013 until today (March 2016) for most of the things I do. (more…)

Windows to Apple, my switch after 17 years

Windows to Apple, my switch after 17 years

windows-to-mac-keyboardsI´ve been a Windows user all my life, since I started with Windows 3.11 up to now. I´ve seen good products like Windows XP and Windows 7 and I saw terrible products like Windows 98, Windows Millennium & Windows Vista. During a decade and a half I´ve set up my own computers, buying motherboard, processor, RAM, etc. and putting them together in a case. I´ve also been doing this for all type of costumers and I somehow keep on doing this  up to date. I provide IT Solutions. (more…)

MacBook Pro the best laptop to run Windows, yes, Windows

MacBook Pro the best laptop to run Windows, yes, Windows

The guys at Soluto, did a study where they demonstrated which were the most trustful laptops to run Windows. The big surprise is that the best one to run Windows is the Apple MacBook Pro 13″ from mid 2012.

The report was constructed based on 150.000 analyzed (laptops, netbooks & ultrabooks) between January 1st 2013 and April 1st 2013, considering 224,144 crashes and 84,251 blue-screens. Other things contemplated during the test were: applications hangs, boot times and number of background processes. The OS of these selected group of laptops had to be installed in the past 12 months and the models of the devices had to be currently sold too.



28 Must have FREE applications on your new Windows PC

28 Must have FREE applications on your new Windows PC

freeI usually help a lot of friends and family with their computer problems and doubts, I also help them to decide which computer, peripheral or accessories to buy when the opportunity arrives.

One of the most frequent questions I receive is, OK, I have my new computer, and now what?

I personally like to configure things a certain way, install certain applications that will allow me to do almost anything I will need to do with the computer. So whenever a friend asks for help I try to commit the same way with them as if it was my own computer.

The following is a list of most of the tools I will install on a freshly installed computer (assuming nothing of this is already installed on it). (more…)

Rotate and modify images from iPad and iPhone

Rotate and modify images from iPad and iPhone

I´ve been having a problem when moving images from my iPhone and iPad to my PC. Some images that require to be rotated were not rotating when trying to use the embedded “Rotate Clockwise” or “Rotate Counter-clockwise” within Windows Explorer (right clicking on the image). I received an error “You cannot rotate this image. The file might be in use or open in another program, or the file or folder might be read-only” or also “Windows Photo Viewer can’t save the changes to this picture because there’s a problem with the picture’s file properties”

To avoid this I had to open the image on Paint or a more powerful editor to be able to rotate it and then save it again.

As you can imagine this is quite a big hassle, so after some research online, I found a tool called: “JPEG & PNG Stripper” this portable, free tool will allow you to strip the metadata that the iPhone and iPad add to the images that prevent Windows Explorer to rotate the images by right clicking on them. One good thing about this tool is that it doesnt affects at all the quality of the image itself, it just strips the metadata you dont want.

How the tool works is very simple, once you open it, you just drag and drop the iPhone/iPad images into the white space in the program windows and you are set. The default options work for me, for example I like to preserve the original date of the taken picture. Of course you can modify the options as you please 🙂
You can download the tool from the developers website here.