The biggest mobile provider in Switzerland, Swisscom announced today that the company lifted the SIM lock on all their devices since 1st of July 2013. This means that on this date, every customer from the company (with a subscription plan) will be able to unlock their phones bought through them. This will allow everybody to use any SIM card from any provider and use the phone with it.
Till now, if you traveled abroad and wanted to use a local SIM card to your Swisscom phone it was not possible because of the lock. Without the lock this would be possible, the official communication also reminds something I was not aware of, since the beginning of 2011 Swisscom is the first provider in the country which doesn’t auto-renew´s the contract´s, giving the user more options to renew or just leave the company.
You can find the original statement of the company on the following link. If you are a Swisscom user and want instructions on how to unlock your device, check out this link.
About Swisscom
The company is owned almost 57% by the Swiss Government, located in Worblaufen near Bern (the Swiss capital), Swisscom holds 62% of the mobile phones market in Switzerland since the year 2000 and its market share didn’t change much although there are 2 other companies competing on the segment (Sunrise 21.4% and Orange 16.6%) way back from the leader.
It´s very common to hear most of the people say that Swisscom is the best company in regards of technology, innovation and signal strength. I can personally say their customer service over Twitter (@Swisscom_Care) for example is very helpful and provide the answers you need. An example of this is the following question I just posted some minutes ago: