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Apple iPhone 5 cases incompatible with docks, again

Apple iPhone 5 cases incompatible with docks, again


Apple is one of the most important technological companies in the world, they invest billions in research and development to bring us super cool, powerful and functional products. I have several of them actually and I really like them, yet, they fail to deliver a simple thing: A dock compatible with their own cases!

This is not the first time they make this mistake, (yes I am assuming its a mistake), in the past I remember having an iPhone 4S and having exactly the same problem, with their own bumper it was almost impossible to find a dock compatible with their device. I ended finding a dock in China that was available with a longer 30 pin connector that would allow me to use my case with it. (more…)

MacBook Pro the best laptop to run Windows, yes, Windows

MacBook Pro the best laptop to run Windows, yes, Windows

The guys at Soluto, did a study where they demonstrated which were the most trustful laptops to run Windows. The big surprise is that the best one to run Windows is the Apple MacBook Pro 13″ from mid 2012.

The report was constructed based on 150.000 analyzed (laptops, netbooks & ultrabooks) between January 1st 2013 and April 1st 2013, considering 224,144 crashes and 84,251 blue-screens. Other things contemplated during the test were: applications hangs, boot times and number of background processes. The OS of these selected group of laptops had to be installed in the past 12 months and the models of the devices had to be currently sold too.

