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All iPhone versions -
Since the first launch of the iPhone in June 29th 2007, we cant hesitate when we say that Apple revolutionized the whole mobile phones market. The new device was just so damn good!

Since then 5 evolving versions of the iPhone got into the market each of them with an incredible succesfull rate.

Last year on October 4th 2011, the world of technology enthusiasts and Apple fans were just waiting for the announcement of the iPhone 5 and instead of that, the released version was the iPhone 4S, this didnt fit very well to the Apple fans at first, but the iPhone 4S added a significantly important main improvement, the camera. The new point and shoot device embeeded on the latest mobile from Apple was indeed very good, and the all in all experience of the phone with the latest iOS version was working as a charm. The sales of the iPhone 4S on the second quarter of 2012 were 26 million (a bit less of what they expected to sell) but still an incredible number.
Now, is this time of the year (again) where a lot of rummors are around the new version of the iPhone believed to be announced on September 12th. Apple never says a word about their new products until they are officialy released, and so there are constant leackages of theoretic parts of the new phone and so it is that an invented “new screw” litteraly “screwed” the whole media about it.

There are a couple of things that I believe belong to a natural evolvement of a product. The latest version of a product should be better than its predecessor.
We new the new iPhone will probably be more light (or not?), more thin, half an inch bigger (4″) and will have iOS 6 the already announced OS upgrade for iPhones and iPads. But what about its core problems? Like for example, the battery?

A really revolutionary new mobile from Apple would offer a double life battery or an auto-recharge battery way with the movement of the body (device), that would really be something nice to see! Do you imagine that? People wouldnt doubt to change their phones for an iPhone like this, but maybe this will be included on the next year´s iPhone in 2013.

Also, some rummors say its design will slightly change to protect the back part of the phone, taking away the fragile glass and replacing it with aluminium, this is good, but its not deal breaker for users to change their 4S versions.

So what would Apple has to release with the new device to really be super successful?

– iTunes should be improved, its too close, too unfriendly, but still, this is not an iPhone problem, its an iTunes (Software) problem.

– iPhone software should be improved flexibility wise, people just need to be able to select their own browser and not only use what apple wants them to (Safari), watch out, if they don’t allow this soon, they might get into a huge problem with legal regulations of competence. But again, this is a software issue, not an iPhone hardware design problem.

– Its believed that the new iPhone should support ultra high connections speeds (4G  / LTE) and this would be a nice improvement, but still few people around the globe will really take advantage of this, as 4G availability is not very widespread yet.

–  A more powerfull processor could be an improvement to run new and heavier applications, although the A5 processor already includded with the 4S version is very fast. Would be nice to see a 2 GHZ processor on a phone 🙂

– Can the camera really be improved? Will Apple enter the 3D sector with a new camera on the new iPhone? I don’t think so. But could be something interesting some people would like to try out.

–  Facetime over 3G will be nice, but still this is a software improvement.

– Some people believe a little led light to show status of events like new mail, sms, etc. will be available on the phone. This is nice, and the idea of having different colors on this led would be a tiny nice detail to see. Practical indeed.

– Another rumour, says its basic model will come with 64 GB of memory, instead of the 16 GB of the basic models till now. This could be interesting, as the high end version could get 128 GB or even 256 GB 🙂 This is something a lot of people would change their actual phones for.

– A lot of web sources are saying that the charging connector will be more little (to make more space inside the phone), but this will really get messy with all the accessories already available. In the end, they are just accessories and if Apple changes something on the design of the phone, all other manufactures will have to comply to their rules if they want to continue selling their stuff.

– Embedded finger print reader? This would be really cool, as it would not only allow to block and unblock the phone with out the need of a password or slide combination but only with a finger. Imagine the use of this technology, bank applications that would allow you to login directly from your phone or validate your identity to pay stuff. The long used tokens will be left in a drawer and could be part of the iPhone already. Wow this would be a deal breaker indeed. But, is it technically possible? Lets see…hopefully Apple will surprise us.

Finally, the iPhone 5 will probably be named iPhone 6 (or iPhone 4G or iPhone LTE) to make it match the new iOS 6 version that will be launched together with it. If you count the iPhone versions till now, this would be the 6th generation phone and not the 5th. Take a look:

1 – iPhone – Released June 29, 2007.
2 – iPhone 3G – Released July 11, 2008.
3 – iPhone 3GS – Released June 8, 2009.
4 – iPhone 4 – Released June 24, 2010.
5 – iPhone 4S – Released October 4, 2011.
6 – iPhone 5 /iPhone 4G / iPhone 6 / iPhone LTE / The new iPhone will it be released on September 12th?

So what do you think Apple has to include on the new iPhone to really make it worth the upgrade from iPhone 4S users? Share your opinion below 🙂